Case Studies

Rotoprint - SurePress L-4033A and L-4533AW

December 2021

Rotoprint - SurePress L-4033A and L-4533AW

Rotoprint – SurePress L-4033A and L-4533AW
Family-owned and based in West Burleigh, Rotoprint has been in the label printing business for over 18 years, servicing customers in a broad range of industries including food & beverage, wine & spirits and health & wellbeing. Rotoprint actually installed Australia’s first Epson SurePress digital label press. Since then, the company has continued to grow its digital business, recently adding a second and now a third SurePress model to further expand options for customers.

The original L-4033A was joined by another, similar model and more recently, a new L-4533AW which can print off-the-shelf materials from 80 mm to 333 mm wide, with a remarkable colour gamut and the option of inline opaque white. “Previously, if we wanted to use transparent substrates, for instance, we’d flood-coat with white on one of the flexo presses before printing digitally,” Bogatie explains. “Now it can all be done inline.”

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