Epson EB-PU1008WNL


Installation Multimedia Projectors

Take Image Quality to New Levels with Epson's Game Changing Laser Projector

Product Name Product
(inc GST)

plus delivery
ELPLL08 Long Throw Lens V12H004L08 $4,729.00
ELPLM08 Middle Throw Lens 1 V12H004M08 $644.00
ELPLM10 Middle Throw Lens 3 V12H004M0A $2,257.00
ELPLM11 Middle Throw Lens 4 V12H004M0B $2,257.00
ELPLM15 Middle Throw Lens V12H004M0F $2,257.00
ELPLU04 Short Throw Lens 2 V12H004U04 $3,976.99
ELPLU03S Short Throw Lens 1 V12H004UA3 $4,192.00
ELPLW05 Wide Throw Lens 1 V12H004W05 $2,257.00
ELPLW06 Wide Throw Lens 2 V12H004W06 $4,729.00
ELPLX01S Ultra Short Throw Lens V12H004X0A $10,964.00
ELPAP11 Wireless LAN Adaptor V12H005A01 $149.00
HDBaseT Connection & Control Box V12H007A18    
HDBaseT Transmitter V12H547053    
ELPEC01 External Camera V12HA46010 $558.00
ELPMB67 Ceiling Mount V12HA54010 $429.00
ELPFP15 Extension Pole 460 – 680 mm V12HA55010 $268.00 Out of stock
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ELPAF46 Replacement Filter V13H134A46 $103.00
ELPAF63 External Air filter V13H134AD0 $569.00

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