Roll Media Adapter Set

Roll Media Adapter Set
Our price: $259.00 inc GST

Product Code: C12C935931
(Epson Global Code: C12C935931)
Suits Products: Stylus Pro 9900 - 44", Stylus Pro 7900 - 24", Stylus Pro 9700 - 44" B0+, Stylus Pro 7700 - 24" A1, Stylus Pro WT7900 - 24" A1, Stylus Pro 9890 - 44", Stylus Pro 7890 - 24", SureColor P7070 - 24", SureColor P9070 - 44", SureColor P6070 - 24", SureColor P8070 - 44", SureColor P7560 - 24", SureColor P9560 - 44",


Additional / replacement roll media adaptor set. Supports a wide range of media with different tension requirements on rolls with either a 2” or 3” core.

One set comes with each printer. The left and right parts are attached to each side of the role and are locked in place. The whole unit is then slotted directly into the printer. In environments where multiple stocks are being used and media is regularly interchanged, efficiencies can be gained through sourcing additional sets and having them pre-attached to the media.

Note: When media is being stored outside the printer, whether separate or on a spindle, it is strongly advised that a roll belt be used to ensure that tension be maintained (see C12C890121).
