Epson SureColor F10060H - 76"

SureColor F10060H - 76

Large Format Printers

For product specifications on the SureColor SC-F10060 and SureColor SC-10060H  click here.


Usage Conditions
Epson products are designed to give highly reliable use and long life when used according to specifications. With any product or device used in situations where human life may be involved or at risk, Epson advises that you should take all necessary steps to ensure the suitability of your Epson product for inclusion in your system, and recommends that you include fail-safe procedures and redundancy support or backup equipment in your system, to maintain the maximum safety margin and optimum system reliability. Examples include but are not limited to ⚊ do not interfere with any electrical components within the device, do not use items supplied with the product for purposes other than as intended by Epson (ie mains cords, inks, CDs, plastic wrapping), do not make modifications to the product, take care with the use of 3rd party consumables, consult Epson if you have any questions or concerns.